Sunday, April 27, 2008

What Are Friends For?

What Are Friends For?
Any comments about this statement?

Well... to me...
- Friends are people whom I care.. but.. yes, I do neglect them at times however if they were to come to me asking for help or need my concern, I believe I will be there for them.

- Friends are people whom I won't take advantage of. Not emotionally... Not monetary

I saw this shoutout in one of my friends' friendster "Some friendship does not exist the way it used to be" - I totally agree with her..

Recently, a series of happenings led me to a decision that a couple is not worth for me to consider them as friends. Especially the female friend... my opinion of her:
- Self-Centered: Only think of herself. Willing to betray her friends in order to get what she wants
- Greedy: In monetary terms
- Think too highly of herself: Always think she has good fashion sense and is really clever. I hope I have a chance to tell her "Pls stop living in your own world only..."
- Selfish: When she give something to you, she expect returns.

*Such friends, I rather I haven met them before.


There are friends whom I am really happy I have met them. Especially those who frequently come and view my blog... Let's mention some...
- Ah Wow: never fail to be there when I need her. No matter in work wise, family or love life..
- Steph: always lend me her listening ears.. gossip + complain
- Cindy: gave me the attention needed & has constantly shown me care + concern
- Jillia: let me feel i m not alone..
- Sarah: thou very busy with her sch work but wil still contact me once in awhile.. so touched

of course there are other friends around... like my secondary sch friends.. outside friends.. ex-colleagues.. too many to mention.. but you guys know i know you guys are good!!! hehe...